2 Brothers
Saint Rocco’s founders, Kolby and Kaleb Rush, were both sent home from college & lost their summer internships due to Covid-19. After many days of virtual school they began to wonder how they could use their skills and knowledge to have an impact on the world.
They had a lifelong love for dogs, a passion for entrepreneurship, and the knowledge of dog treat craftsmanship thanks to their dad and grandpa. They knew dogs would taste the difference if they made treats that were baked fresh and handmade daily. Alongside their dad, they spent months perfecting the recipes you see today.

Saint Rocco’s Mission
To do this, we view each product we create as a communication tool between you and your dog.
Our goal is to provide you with the most effective & healthy ways to say "Good Job", "Thank you", "I love you" and so much more!
Whether you're training a puppy, encouraging a picky eater to finish their meals, competing in a nationally televised dog sport event, or searching for a way to feed your dog homemade, high quality food, we want to be there with you!
Our name symbolizes our mission. We are named after the patron saint of dogs: “Saint Rocco”.
Saint Rocco spent his days as a doctor, healing all those who were ill. Eventually, he himself became ill but society could not help him. Thankfully, a dog came to his side, licked his wounds, and fed him bread each day until he fully recovered.
They remained friends for life and are symbolic of the love and loyalty dogs show us and we owe to them. With this as our guiding story we vow to always use human grade ingredients & no harmful preservatives or manufacturing practices when we are creating your tool for a happier, healthier, and more meaningful relationship with your dog.
Simple Ingredients